Wednesday April 5th
So we’re on our way! Well, at least yesterday we were… Today we’re holed up at Queenscliff Cruising Yacht club watching the howling winds and the driving rain. Logging into last night on our newly installed CDMA modem, we discovered that this lovely weather is likely to stay with us until early next week.
Looks like we’re going to have to get used to the delights of the QCYC… And if this weather keeps up, we’re going to get very used to them. The club is on an island, and the only way to get to the bright lights of Queenscliff is by dinghy – and with gale force winds the short trip across the cut is likely to be a rather wet and uncomfortable experience!
We left Geelong in bright sunny weather yesterday and motored all the way as there was NO wind at all. Today is different however we are (as Mike said) sitting in QCYC listening to the howling winds outside. It’s not so bad, we are both starting to slow to the cruising pace we were expecting a bit further down the track.
Last night we had a few visitors in the form of 4 curious kangaroos wandering what these two strange looking creatures were doing on their Island.
We’ve already run out of bread and it doesn’t look as though we will get over to Q’cliff in the near future. Oh well it looks like I have to practice my bread making skills. I wonder if Mike will mind damper instead not so much effort involved!! Although I do have lots of time !!!!!